Villager Bot
A Minecraft-themed utility, moderation, and economy Discord bot used by tens of thousands.

Fractal generation from adjustable parameters, originally created during CUHackit 2022 but since redone.

An advanced Minecraft server list created with SvelteKit + TailwindCSS + TypeScript and C# + Asp.Net.

A Python library and command line tool which can convert images, gifs, videos, and even live video to ASCII art.

Clipboard Cleanse
A cross-platform toolbar/system tray app written in Rust which removes tracking information and other crap from copied URLs.

Taco Tapper
An unfinished knockoff cookie clicker but with tacos instead. Written in Vue, all art done by my girlfriend.

Emoji Leaderboard
A Slack bot which tracks emoji use and displays it on a frontend built with SvelteKit.

Quake III Bot
A Discord bot written in Python which facilitates the management of Quake III servers via RCON.

An API written in C# utilizing Asp.Net and Entity Framework, used by Villager Bot and other projects.

ButterflyMX 444
A web app which allows users to open apartments using ButterflyMX using a reverse engineered API wrapper.

Pillager Bot
A small Discord bot written in Rust + Serenity + Diesel for moderating my Discord servers.
Skin Renderer
A microservice written in Elixir + Phoenix to render Minecraft skins (currently just renders heads).